meditation and yoga

“To be alive in this beautiful, self-organizing universe -- to participate in the dance of life with senses to perceive it, lungs that breathe it, organs that draw nourishment from it - is a wonder beyond words.”
Joanna Macy

Whether you're recovering from an injury or burnout, or just trying to figure out how to bring more movement and mindfulness into your daily life; the focus of my meditation and yoga work is to meet you where you are at, wherever that is, and build from there.
When you work with me one on one, you get the benefit of two decades of learning, practice and teaching from someone who values curiosity, kindness and humor more than trying to convince you of one “right” way to do things.
I offer private yoga therapy classes to help people of all abilities create more stability and flow in their bodies, with less pain, at all stages of life and health.
I teach restorative yoga to give people an opportunity to come home to themselves and connect to the grounding support of the earth through the embodied experience of deep, nurturing rest.
I teach meditation to help people develop their ability to see and hold themselves and their experiences with curiosity, courage and compassion.
I love creating space for people to uncover their innate capacity for
resilience and connection in their body and in their life.
NEW - Mindfulness Meditation Introductory Series starting Mon 8 Jan 2024
my approach

Two ways to do movement and mindfulness work with Tanya
My work with people is primarily location-independent and happens online. On occasion I do see clients in person when I am in Tobago. Learn more.
group classes
curious if this work is a good fit for you?
